D-MIF 2025 Experiencing Fresh Wind Conference
Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation. (NKJV)
Monday, June 23rd - Thursday, June 26th
Divine Purpose Church
21100 Highway 196
Arlington, TN 38002 (Directions)
Sadly, many believers today are allowing many things to come between God and their destiny. This is the primary reason why many believers today are not experiencing, reflecting and manifesting God’s glory as they should. If you are not satisfied with the dimension of God’s glory you are seeing, experiencing or manifesting now in your life, home, career, business or ministry, then it is time for some Divine Repositioning.
Divine Repositioning is the action of the Holy Spirit to help make necessary spiritual adjustments in your thought life, spiritual life, and lifestyle. So many of us have based where we are in life and what we are doing in the Body of Christ on what somebody else said. You may have gotten a prophetic word from somebody and based your whole life on a “Word from the Lord,” that may not have been from the Lord. Maybe you did hear from the Lord and now you’re not in the will of God because you left where you were supposed to be because trials made you move away from your destiny. We’ve got to stop doing personally forced ministry and calling it God’s purpose.
We believe this season is a season of repositioning for God’s people. This repositioning by God is so very important, especially in this season, because God is making sure we are correctly in the place of original destiny fulfillment. God will reposition us where we need to be to get us back to our official calling and purpose. Don't be surprised to feel the hand of God gently turning you mentally, physically and spiritually. You will find that God is closing doors that you felt very comfortable walking in because you thought that God opened it. God is now going to start maneuvering you to the place you where you will be the most effective. It may not be the place that you thought that He would move you too, and it will shock you to learn that you may end up back at a place you once left.
We need to get back to the discipline of our servitude and overall spiritual living within the placement of God. In your life right now may be some issues that are merely creative pressure circumstances God is using to reposition and maneuver you to exactly where He wants you be. Allow Him to have His way because He is causing us to look beyond our comfort zone and our familiar territory, so we fulfill destiny in His apoointed and enlarged territory.
We invite you to join us for a time of refreshing and empowerment through impact sessions designed to edify, empower and educate God’s people for the fulfillment of destiny.